Stitzer Lawyer

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Stitzer Lawyer

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<News & Markets
A deal-hungry American lawyer, Stitzer, 50, takes over from boss John Sunderland next year. He is currently chief strategy officer.

...a matter of civil liberties,” Stitzer’s lawyer, Andrew Shubin, told Court TV. “If someone had a problem with [Stitzer], they could avert...

...was a matter of civil liberties,” Stitzer’s lawyer, Andrew Shubin, told Court TV. “If someone had a problem with [Stitzer], they could...

<Todd Stitzer to Be Next CEO of Cadbury Schweppes.
Brock . John Brock continues as COO. Stitzer . Lawyer by background, Stitzer joined Cadbury in 1983 as assistant general counsel.

<[Chinh Luan] fun33002 - VietPage
Stitzer's lawyer defended his client, "If people don't want to see what's going on in his backyard, they can avert their eyes.

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