Bonnyman Lawyer

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Bonnyman Lawyer

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<Lawyers join Bredesen on TennCare front
...while saying nice things about him, they tacitly bashed the ethical inclinations of Bonnyman, legendary lawyer for the underprivileged, in...

<Unpaid bills force VU to sue TennCare insurer - Tuesday, 3/7/2000
...started without adequate capital to do what the state invited it to take on," said Gordon Bonnyman, a lawyer at the Tennessee Justice Center...

<Bredesen wants legislators to help change TennCare - Tuesday,...
Gordon Bonnyman, a lawyer at the Tennessee Justice Center, which has successfully sued TennCare, declined to comment on the bills, saying he...

<Metro Pulse/Cover/Gordon Bonnyman
How Gordon Bonnyman grew from the wealth and privilege of his Knoxville childhood into Tennessee's most vocal advocate for the dispossessed.

<One lawyer blames another for TennCare stalemate
Center and its chief lawyer Bonnyman ought to be blamed. State lawyers have argued in federal court that Barrett should replace Bonnyman, a...

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