White House Lawyer

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White House Lawyer

This area of the website lists White House Lawyers. Simply choose from the list of White House Lawyers listed below.

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<White House lawyer derides impeachment case as weak - January 19,...
White House lawyer derides impeachment case as weak...

<Is Scalia priming for a good fight?
...two difficult confirmations instead of one, what am I getting for that?' said Bradford Berenson, a White House lawyer during Bush's first term...

<White House lawyer tells staff to turn in Enron papers / Counsel may
White House lawyer tells staff to turn in Enron papers Counsel may claim executive privilege for some documents...

<MSNBC - Memos Reveal War Crimes Warnings
In the memo,  the White House lawyer focused on a little known 1996 law passed by Congress, known as the War Crimes Act, that...

<AP Wire | 07/09/2004 | White House Lawyer Laments Bush Court Loss
White House Lawyer Laments Bush Court Loss GINA HOLLAND Associated Press WASHINGTON...

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