Burdine Lawyer

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Burdine Lawyer

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<Gay.com news: Texas death row inmate granted appeal, Dec. 8
Texas gay man on death row wins appeal in 'sleeping lawyer' case ... Burdine was sentenced to death in 1984. His latest appeal will be heard in New...

<Sleeping lawyer no lawyer at all [Free Republic]
Calvin Burdine's lawyer slept through portions of his capital murder trial in Houston 17 years ago, and the death row inmate should get a new...

<Corpus Christi Caller Times Editorials - The case of the sleeping
The case of the sleeping lawyer The Burdine case raises the question: How awake is justice? No one should shed any tears over Calvin Burdine.

<Inmate whose lawyer slept in court to get new trial or freedom -...
...lawyer Joe Cannon slept for up to 10 minutes at a time during the 1984 trial, and the separate sentencing phase that followed. Burdine was...

<'Sleeping Lawyer' Case Under Review (Associated Press)
Livingston, Texas –– While Calvin Burdine stood trial for murder, was convicted and was sentenced to death, his lawyer dozed off repeatedly in...

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