Dewart Lawyer

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Dewart Lawyer

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<NOW: Bromell Losing Grip, Dec 6 - 12, 2001
When reached by NOW, Sean Dewart, the lawyer hired by the association to argue the claim, doesn't seem to be apprised of its finer points,

< Air Canada, union at odds over pension
It strikes me that if that happens, we've got a very serious problem all around," said Sean Dewart, a lawyer for the Canadian Auto Workers...

<Women, race and health was the focus of discussion at a recent
"Racism as a determinant of health" was sponsored by the NNEW under the direction of its executive coordinator Marilou McPhedran.

<Unions shun Air Canada meeting Pension issue impasse likely to delay...
However, Sean Dewart, a lawyer for the Canadian Auto Workers union, accused Air Canada of trying to "use the court to muscle the employees...

<CNEW: Politics - Orchard's lawsuit against PCs nixed
Sean Dewart, lawyer for Orchard and the other applicants, argued Thursday that a merger can only take place with the unanimous consent of the...

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