Baskett Lawyer

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Baskett Lawyer

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<A Place Called Oregon - Umatilla County
Rube Baskett, lawyer, and R.A. Steele, notary public, were the dispensers of law and justice.

<Weston History
Rube Baskett, lawyer, and R.A. Steele, notary public, were the dispensers of law and justice.

<Dallas Drug Busts Bogus cleared, and he'll be back to work." "They've been [dragged] through the mud," added Bob Baskett, a lawyer for the Dallas Police Assn.

<Song of the South Biographies - James Baskett as Uncle Remus
Baskett's role as the fast-talking lawyer Gabby Gibson earned him a national reputation and roles in such B-rated movies as Harlem in Heaven...

<African American Registry: Walt Disney's first live actor, James...
Baskett's role as the fast-talking lawyer Gabby Gibson earned him a national reputation and roles in such B-rated movies such as Harlem in...

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