Petros Lawyer

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Petros Lawyer

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<AP Wire | 10/07/2003 | News in brief from the San Joaquin Valley
Petros' lawyer, David Smothers of Oakhurst, argued that his client had left the scene before the alleged rape occurred.

<ARMINFO news agency:Political
"The Government deals with each individual case", stated Petros Agababyan, lawyer of the Department of Migration and Refugees.

<Microsoft files lawsuit against five Md. firms - 2000-04-03 -
George Petros, lawyer for the company, said the lawsuit is a "mistake."

< | Providence | Local News
Gerald J. Petros, a lawyer for the paint companies, said that the letters directly contradict the state's case and were never denied or...

<King of software sues `pirates' - 2000-04-10 - Baltimore Business...
George Petros, lawyer for Integrated Computers Electronics, said his client has done nothing wrong and the lawsuit is a "mistake."

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